If you’re looking for halal teppanyaki in Singapore, then you might think of going to The Straits Teppanyaki or even Pepper Lunch to get your fix.
But while those eateries are great options, there’s an unlikely teppanyaki spot hiding in plain sight in Bugis Junction for you to consider.
Alley Wei Teppan-Yaki
Alley Wei Teppan-Yaki is by no means tucked in an obscure corner of the mall.

The eatery, which uses the traditional Japanese way of cooking food on a hot plate table in front of diners and serving them directly, is located right in the center of Basement 1.
Somehow, the establishment evaded our attention for months perhaps due to its unassuming front and lacklustre online presence.
Affordable teppanyaki
The eatery sells teppanyaki meals at relatively affordable prices, starting from S$12.

Customers can tuck into grilled garlic mushroom for S$12, or a range of meats such as beef, chicken, and seafood mostly under S$20.

All meals are served with soup, rice, bean sprouts and vegetables.
On the more expensive side are their special set meals which offer a mix of various proteins.
For example, Set A (S$27) comes with fish, tenderloin steak and king prawn.
Their lowest-priced combo set has fish, squid, scallops and sliced beef/lamb at S$25.
Here’s the menu:

Where is it exactly?
The eatery is located in B1 of Bugis Junction amongst all the food shops, right opposite Guardian if you need a landmark.
Diners are seated around this restaurant’s teppan counters which circle round the entire space, so it’s really hard to miss

Oh, and there is no GST and service charge at the eatery. Yay.
Alley Wei Teppan-Yaki
Address: 200 Victoria Street, #B1-K23 Bugis Junction, Singapore 188021
Halal Status: MUIS halal-certified
- Monday
- 11:00 am – 9:00 pm
- Tuesday
- 11:00 am – 9:00 pm
- Wednesday
- 11:00 am – 9:00 pm
- Thursday
- 11:00 am – 9:00 pm
- Friday
- 11:00 am – 9:00 pm
- Saturday
- 11:00 am – 9:00 pm
- Sunday
- 11:00 am – 9:00 pm